The client area, or billing control panel, allows you to get an overview of your account, change account information, specify authorized contacts, change your password, manage services and domains, pay invoices, get support, and more.
Direct link:
Note: Before entering any personal information, be sure that your browser's address bar is displaying the green lock icon and is pointed to the address above. This signifies that your connection is secure and that your privacy is protected. It is also a good idea to inspect a site's SSL certificate to ensure that the certificate is valid.
Before you can manage your account, you must first register as a new customer. When ordering new services, you will be prompted to either register a new account or sign into an existing account before checkout. Therefore, you have likely already completed this process. However, should you need to register a new account beforehand, please follow the instructions below.
Direct link:
To register a new account:
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Navigate to
- Click on the Account link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Register from the dropdown menu that appears
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Register button
Before managing your account or services, you must first login to your account. If you are not yet an existing customer you will first need to Register a New Account. To login to your account, please follow the instructions below.
Direct link:
To login to your account:
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Navigate to
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Login button
Alternative Method:
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Navigate to
- Click on the Account link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Login from the dropdown menu that appears
Reset Password
If you have misplaced or otherwise forgotten, your password, you can easily reset your password to restore access to your account. To reset your password, please follow the instructions below:
Direct link:
To reset your password:
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Navigate to
- Click on the Request a Password Reset at the bottom of the login form
- Enter your email address into the Lost Password Reset form
- Click the Submit button
- If prompted, input the answer to your account's security question and click the Submit button
Alternative Method:
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Navigate to
- Click on the Account link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Register from the dropdown menu that appears
- Enter your email address into the Lost Password Reset form
- Click the Submit button
If you created a security question, you will be prompted to enter the answer to this security question prior to resetting the password. Please note that the answer to this security question is case-sensitive (capitalization is important) and must be entered exactly as it was when created. If you are unable to remember the answer to your security question, please contact support for assistance.
A password reset confirmation will be sent to your email address within 5-10 minutes. If you did not receive the message, please check your spam or junk mail folder before requesting another reset and contact support if the problem persists.
To complete the process:
- Click the password reset link to continue in the email message
- Enter your new password
- Confirm your new password by typing it again
- Click the Save Changes button
Your password is now reset, and you may continue to your account overview by clicking the link below the Password Reset Successful confirmation message.
Edit Account Details
Keeping your account up-to-date is important to ensure that your services are unnecessarily interrupted. You can view or edit your name, contact information, default payment method and more from the Account Details page of the client area.
Direct link:
To view/edit your account details:
- Login to the client area
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Edit Account Details from the dropdown menu that appears
- If necessary, click the My Details tab from the tab menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Alternative Method:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Update Your Details link from the top of your dashboard
- If necessary, click the My Details tab from the tab menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Manage Credit Card
Keeping your credit card details up-to-date is important to ensure that your services are unnecessarily interrupted. You can can view or edit your credit card information from the Credit Card Details page of the client area.
To view/edit your credit card details:
- Login to the client area
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Manage Credit Card from the dropdown menu that appears
- If necessary, click the Credit Card Details tab from the tab menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Alternative Method:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Update Your Details link from the top of your dashboard
- If necessary, click the Credit Card Details tab from the tab menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Should you want to permit others access to certain aspects of your account or to act on your behalf, you can create contacts or sub-accounts. This is useful, for instance, if you have developers that may need to interact with our support department.
Note: If a person contacts on your behalf and is not listed as a contact or sub-account associated with your account, we cannot disclose sensitive information pertaining to your account.
Contacts are people to whom you have granted privileges to act on your behalf. Unless you share your login credentials for the client area—which is strongly discouraged—contacts do not have access to your billing control panel.
Sub-accounts serve the same purpose as contacts, but are assigned their own login username and password. This permits them to login to the client area with limited access to act on your behalf. At the time a sub-account is created, you will be given the opportunity to define what areas of the client area the user has access to.
Direct link:
To manage contact and sub-accounts:
- Login to the client area
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Contacts/Sub-Accounts from the dropdown menu that appears
- If necessary, click the Contact/Sub-Accounts tab from the tab menu at top
- If editing an existing contact, select the contact's name from the pull-down menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Alternative Method:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Update Your Details link from the top of your dashboard
- If necessary, click the Contacts/Sub-Accounts tab from the tab menu at top
- If editing an existing contact, select the contact's name from the pull-down menu at top
- Fill in the requested information
- Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page
Email History
For your convenience, a list of all messages dispatched by the client area to you are archived for later review within the billing control panel. To review these messages, follow the instructions below.
Direct link:
To review client area messages:
- Login to the client area
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Email History from the dropdown menu that appears
- Click the View Message button to the right of the message you want to review
Depending on the number of messages that have been sent to your account, there may be several pages of results. You can use the ← Prev Page and Next Page → buttons to view the entire list. To make it easier to find a specific message, you can also click the Date Sent and Message Subject table headers to sort by ascending or descending order.
Change Password
Note: If you believe that your account information has been accessed without your permission or your account has been compromised in any way, please contact support immediately.
For the sake of account security, we recommend periodically changing your client area password. This can be done by following the instructions below.
To change your client area password:
- Login to the client area
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! link on the right of the navigation menu at top
- Select Change Password from the dropdown menu that appears
- If necessary, click the Change Password tab from the tab menu at top
- Enter your existing password into the field provided
- Enter your new password as requested
- To confirm your new password, retype it in the field provided
- Click the Save Changes button
Alternate Method:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Update Your Details link from the top of your dashboard
- If necessary, click the Change Password tab from the tab menu at top
- Enter your existing password into the field provided
- Enter your new password as requested
- To confirm your new password, retype it in the field provided
- Click the Save Changes button
Once your password has been successfully changed, you will be automatically logged out and redirected to the login page where you will need to enter your new account information to access the client area. An email will then be dispatched to the email address on file to confirm the change. This prevents unauthorized changes to your account without your knowledge.
The client area dashboard is designed to give you a quick overview of your account and services. It is divided into several areas of interest.
Direct link:
Account Information
The Account Information section in the top left of the dashboard lists your name and basic contact information. if you need to make changes to this information, click the Update Your Details link.
Account Overview
The number of services, domains, support tickets, and referrals, and billing contact is displayed in the Account Overview section at the top right of the client area dashboard. Here you can quickly access items of interest for your account by clicking the View » link to the right of the item.
Control Panel Login
If you are a Windows Shared, Windows VPS, or Reseller customer, the Login to WCP Control Panel button has been provided to allow you to quickly access your domain's Windows Control Panel (WCP). This feature is not yet available to Shared Linux or Linux VPS customers.
New Domain
Whether you are looking to register a new domain, transfer an existing domain, or order new hosting services for a domain you already own, you may do so from the Check Availability of a New Domain section in the center of the page.
To register a new domain:
- Enter the domain name you wish to register
- Click the Check Availability button
- Alternatively click the Search Multiple TLDs button that appears on the next page to search multiple domain extensions and click the Check Availability button once more
- Select the checkbox(es) next to the domain(s) you wish to register
- Select the registration options from the pulldown menu to the right of the domain(s)
- Click the Order Now button
- Continue through the ordering process to complete your order
To transfer an existing domain:
- Enter the domain name you wish to transfer
- Click the Transfer button
- Continue through the ordering process to complete your order
To purchase hosting without registering or transferring a domain:
- Enter the domain name for which you want to purchase hosting for
- Click the Order Hosting Only button
- Continue through the ordering process to complete your order
Overdue Invoices
If an invoice is not paid before the due date, it becomes overdue. Services that are overdue will appear near the top of your dashboard with an option to make an immediate payment. To avoid service interruption, you should pay your outstanding invoices as soon as possible.
Due Invoices
A list of recent invoices is displayed at the bottom of the client area dashboard along with the invoice number, invoice date, due date, total, balance, status, and View Invoice button. Click the invoice number or View Invoice button to the right of the invoice to view and/or pay an invoice.
Depending on the number of services associated with your account, there may be several pages of results. You can use the ← Prev Page and Next Page → buttons to view the entire list. To make it easier to find a specific invoice, you can also click the Invoice #, Invoice Date, Due Date, Total, Balance and Status table headers to sort by ascending or descending order.
The client area services menu permits you to add, view, manage, and cancel all of your hosting products and services.
Direct link:
My Products & Services
From the My Products & Services page, you can view and manage existing hosting products.
Direct link:
To view your products and services:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Services link on the navigation menu at top
- Select My Services from the dropdown menu that appears
To view or manage an existing product or service, click the domain name under the Product/Service column or the View Details button from the right of the domain name.
Depending on the number of products and services associated with your account, there may be several pages of results. You can use the ← Prev Page and Next Page → buttons to view the entire list. To make it easier to find a specific product or service, you can also click the Product/Service, Price, Billing Cycle, Next Due Data, and Status table headers to sort by ascending or descending order.
You can also filter the list of products and services by domain by entering a domain name (full or partial) in the Enter Domain to Find field at the top right and clicking the Filter button
Order New Services
If you would like to order new products or services, you may do so from the Order New Services page.
Direct link:
To order new products and services:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Services link on the navigation menu at top
- Select Order New Services from the dropdown menu that appears
You will be taken directly to the ordering system with a list of all products and services available for purchase. Use the categories menu at the top to select the type of product you wish to add. The categories are arranged as follows:
SSL Certificates
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: SSL Certificates
Custom Services
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Custom Services
Shared Hosting
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Shared Hosting
Reseller Hosting
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Reseller Hosting
Dedicated IP Address
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Dedicated IP Address
Product Addons
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Product Addons
Domain Renewals
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Domain Renewals
Register Domain
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Domain Registrations
Transfer Domain
Product Information:
For more information, please see the following wiki article: Domain Transfers
View Cart
View Available Addons
All of our hosting packages are designed to be flexible. Whether you are needing additional mailboxes, disk space, database, or the like, you can customize your hosting package to suit your needs.
Direct link:
To view available product addons:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Services link on the navigation menu at top
- Select View Available Addons from the dropdown menu that appears
You will be taken directly to the ordering system with a list of all addons that are available for your products and services and can be purchased.
Should trouble with any of your products or services arise, our entire team of experienced support personnel is ready and willing to assist you. The client area support menu provides quick access to our ticket system, knowledgebase, and network status bulletin board.
Support Tickets
You can view existing support tickets or create a new request for support using the instructions below.
Direct link:
To create a new or view existing tickets:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Support link on the navigation menu at top
- Select Tickets from the dropdown menu that appears
The knowledgebase contains articles, step-by-step instructions, and video tutorials to assist you in locating a solution for many of the questions or problems you might have.
Direct link:
To access the knowledgebase:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Support link on the navigation menu at top
- Select Knowledgebase from the dropdown menu that appears
Network Status
The network status bulletin board contains a list of known outages or scheduled maintenance. If you are experiencing an issue with any of your products or services, you should check the network status before contacting support to ensure that we are not already aware of the issue.
Direct link:
To view the network status:
- Login to the client area
- Click the Support link on the navigation menu at top
- Select Network Status from the dropdown menu that appears
The client area affiliates menu allows you to view your affiliate statistics, manage referrals, request withdrawals of your affiliate earnings, and copy link and banner code for use.
Direct link:
To access your affiliates dashboard:
- Login to the client area
- Click Affiliates link from the navigation menu at top
Referral Link
In order to earn affiliate rewards, new referrals must use your unique referral link to sign up. You can view and copy this link at the top of your affiliates dashboard.
Real-time affiliate statistics, including number of referrals, number of signups, conversion rate, and affiliates reward balance, are provided on your affiliates dashboard just below your unique referral link.
A detailed list of your referrals is provided.
Depending on the number of referrals associates with your account, there may be several pages of results. You can use the ← Prev Page and Next Page → buttons to view the entire list. To make it easier to find a specific referral, you can also click the Signup Date, Product/Service, Amount, Commission, and Status table headers to sort by ascending or descending order.
Link Code
The link codes at the bottom of the page contain links to individual products or services offered by Hostek. These link codes are already constructed using your unique referral link and can be copied and pasted right into your website.
Banner Code
In addition to text links, a number of image banners has also been provided. Like the text links, each banner may pertain to a specific product or service and is constructed with your unique referral link. The banners are hosted by Hostek and do not need to be downloaded. Instead, you need only to copy and paste the banner code into your website.