Reseller Management
From Wiki
Windows Reseller Management
- To manage your domain, login to the WCP Control Panel, using the details below
- URL:
- Username: "client email"
- Password: ** same as your password **
- Click on the icon that says "Reseller Manager"
- Here you can "Add Customer" "Add Domain" "Arrange Domains" and "Manage Domain"
- Video tutorial below
Customer Accounts
- To add a customer account please follow.
- Login to the WCP Control Panel, using the details below
- URL:
- Username: "client email"
- Password: ** same as your password **
- Click on the icon that says Reseller Manager
- Click on the "Add Customer" Icon.
- You will fill out the following information.
- Customer Name
- Customer Email
- Customer User name
- Customer password
- If you want to edit the permissions on the account then check the "Limit Permissions" box.
- Click save
- Video tutorial below
Adding Domains
- Once you login to your control panel and the main screen comes up.
- Click on the icon that says "Reseller Manager"
- Now click on the Icon that says "Add Domain"
- Fill out the information
- Domain name (Note DO not add www before the domain name)
- IMPORTANT under the "Customer" tab that will put this under the customer account that you created or that you want it to be under.
- To put it under a customer account that you created select that particular one in the drop down.
- To put it under your main reseller account select your reseller account customer name in the drop down
- User name
- Password
- Server Type: (Linux, ColdFusion, Windows, ColdFusion on Linux or Railo)
- Click Save
- After creating a customer, that customer can login and manage all domains under their account using the following details:
- URL: OR your custom URL that has been configured in the Reseller Settings.
- Username: ** as specified when creating the account **
- Password: ** as specified when creating the account **
- Video tutorial below
Arrange Accounts
- Once you login to your control panel and the main screen comes up.
- Click on the icon that says "Reseller Manager"
- Now click on the Icon that says "Arrange Domains"
- Select the domain name you are wanting to move to another customer account and drag and drop it under the customer account that you want.
- Click Save
- Video tutorial below
Cancel Domains
- Login to
- Once logged in, click on the "Reseller Manager" icon.
- Click "List Domains" then click on the trash-can icon next to the domain you want to remove.
- If it throws an error please check and remove the following first
- Sub-domains
- Domain Aliases
- Databases & DSN
- This will automate the billing, etc., so that if you complete the cancellation before the next billing cycle invoice generates, the cancelled domain(s) should not be included in the calculation or on the Reseller Invoice Detail email listing of domains for that billing cycle.
Linux Reseller Management
To manage within your account, login to your WHM with the steps below:
- Login at:
- Login credentials are in the Account Information Email sent when account was first set up.
- Here you can manage your domain(s), Email(s), Account(s), DNS, Packages, ETC.
Account Information
To view your current Account(s)
- Within your reseller/WHM, simply enter List Accounts in the Find search section.
- Click on List Accounts, which will bring up the current account(s) you have..
- Click on the cPanel Icon if you would like to manage within a specific account.
You may also view the following in the same location under Account Information.
- Parked Domains
- Sub-domains
- Suspended Accounts
Adding New Account(s) to your Reseller
- Search in the Find search tool, Create a New Account.
- Click on Create a New Account, under the section Account Functions.
- Enter in the information to the following sections below correctly.
- Domain
- Username
- Password
- Re-type Password