WebDNA reports incorrect version of Apache
From Hostek.com Wiki
WebDNA reports incorrect version of Apache error
Sometimes when installing the WebDNA script on your VPS, you may get an error code "Incorrect Version of Apache" or "Incompatible Version of MySQL"
To fix this error, follow these steps:
- SSH into your Linux server
- Type cd /WebDNA-x.x.x (x.x.x is your version number, replace the X's with the version)
- Type nano install_WebDNA.sh
- Hit ctrl-W and put in "Determine if 32 or 64bit
- Comment out this line (put a # in front of it) and all other lines down to the first occurring "esac" statement
- Hit ctrl O to save it and then ctrl x to exit
- Your WebDNA installation should now work, if it does not submit a support ticket at https://support.hostek.com