Reducing Spam

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Forwarded Mail - How to Reduce Spam

If you will be forwarding your mail to a different address, we suggest setting up the email account as a User on our mail servers instead of as an Alias/Forwarding. Then after the User is setup, you can login via webmail and add a Forwarding address to the User (be sure the check the box to Delete on Forward).

This allows the incoming mail to be scanned for spam first, before it is forwarded.

Using Content Filters


  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Click "Account Level Filtering to create a filter for the entire domain, or click "User Level Filtering" to create a filter for a single email address
  3. Click "Create a New Filter"
  4. Enter the filter name, and select the type of rule you want to use
  5. Select the action you want to take if the filter rule is met
  6. Click "Create"


  1. Log into SmarterMail
  2. Click the Settings option on the left
  3. Expand "Filtering"
  4. Click Content Filtering

On this screen you can add/manage various content filters as you desire.

This lets you further control your email in addition to the powerful spam filtering options.

Using Content Filters To Reduce Spam

To reduce the amount of spam you receive, add a Content Filter named "URIBL_BLACK" (no quotes) and then set it to move any email with URIBL_BLACK in the HEADER to the JunkMail folder.

Also, create another Content Filter just like the one above except name it "RCVD_IN_PBL" (no quotes) and have it move any email with RCVD_IN_PBL in the HEADER to the JunkMail folder.

There are many blacklists, but these two seem to be very reliable.

The following is how to add a content filter to your domain to reduce spam by filtering out e-mails marked by our server level spam filters and blacklist lookups:


  • For cPanel you'll just need to follow the steps above to create an "Account Level Filter"
  • For the rule you'll just need to select "Any Header" and "contains"
  • Next you'll just need to enter the following into the text box:
  • For the action you'll need to select "Deliver to Folder" and browse to your "Trash" or "Junk"


(Replace with your actual domain name)

  1. From the 'Domain Settings' drop-down menu, select 'Domain Content Filtering'
  2. Click on the 'Add Filter' icon
  3. Under the 'Contains Specific Words or Phrases' group, check 'Email Headers'
  4. Click 'Next'
  5. Under 'Filter Type', choose 'OR'
  6. In the large text box, enter the following four lines:
  1. Click 'Next'
  2. In the text box labeled 'Rule Name', enter "SA BL Content Filter"(without the quotes)
  3. Under the 'Actions' section, Check 'Move message to folder' and enter "Junk E-Mail"(without the quotes) into the text box
  4. Click the 'Save' icon
  • You should notice a nice reduction in the amount of spam to your inbox after creating this filter.
  • You'll want to occasionally check the 'Junk E-Mail' folder from time to time to make sure nothing is getting caught that you don't want caught or if you think you are missing an e-mail.