Get EEP Code (Transfer Authorization Code)

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Get EEP Code (Transfer Authorization Code)

In this tutorial we will be showing how to obtain the transfer EPP code to transfer a domain registered with us.

The transfer EPP code is an authorization code that is required when transferring a domain from one registrar to another.

  1. Login to your Client Area
  2. Click to expand

  3. In the top-navigation menu click on 'Domain Registrations', then click on 'My Domains'.

  4. My domains menu.png

  5. You should now see a list of your active, cancelled, and expired domains that you've had in your account as shown in the screenshot below:

  6. My domains list.png

  7. To the right of the domain you wish to manage click the wrench icon, or select the drop-down and choose 'Manage Domain'.

  8. Manage domain options.png

  9. In the left side menu choose the link 'Get EPP Code'.

  10. EPPLink.PNG

  11. You will now see the EPP code for your domains transfer.

  12. Code.PNG