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CFML is the programming language used to create applications in ColdFusion and Railo, and it traditionally uses a tag-based syntax to perform tasks. Those who wish to avoid using tags also have the option of programming in the language's script-based alternative, CFScript. Below we'll cover some of the basics you'll need to master to build an application (Web site) using CFML.

Setting Variables

You can create/update variables using the cfset tag: <cfset foo = "bar">

In CFScript you just type the variable name and assign it a value: <cfscript> foo = "bar"; </cfscript>

Displaying Contents of Variables

If you wish to display a variable on a page (send the variable's contents to the page-output stream), you can either use the CFOutput tag:

	<cfset foo = "bar">

Or in CFScript you can make use of the WriteOutput() and Echo() functions:

		set foo = "bar";
		set thud = "plug"
		WriteOutput("The value of foo is " & #foo#);
		Echo("The value of thud is " & #thud#);

Conditional Statements

The CFIf, CFElseIf, and CFElse tags allow you to create conditional statements for flow-control:

	<cfparam name = "Role" type = "string" default = "Guest">
	<cfif Role EQ "Author">
		<cfset AllowedToPost = true >
		<cfoutput>Welcome #UserName#! Feel free to add new content.</cfoutput>
	<cfelseif Role EQ "Reader">
		<cfset AllowedToPost = false>
		<cfoutput>Hello #UserName#, glad you're back.
		<cfoutput>Please log in to read articles or author new posts.</cfoutput>

In CFScript you would make use of the if and else keywords. Combine them as else if to form the equivalent of CFElseIf:

		param name = "Role" type = "string" default = "Guest";
		if (Role EQ "Author")
			AllowedToPost = true;
			echo("Welcome " & #UserName# & "! Feel free to add new content.");
		else if (Role EQ "Reader")
			AllowedToPost = false;
			echo("Hello " & #UserName# & "! Enjoy your reading.");
			echo("Please log in to read articles or author new posts.);

Note about CFParam: The CFParam tag checks that a variable is defined, validates the data if it is defined, and allows you to specify a default value if the variable is not defined. More info on the tag is available here:


With the CFLoop tag, you can create an index-based loop, a conditional loop, or a loop to itterate over queries, lists, and arrays. For example, this will create a basic loop that prints the numbers 1-10 on new lines:

	<cfloop index = "i" from = "1" to = "10" step = "1">

In CFScript, just use the loop keyword, followed by the attributes, and contain the statement(s) to be executed within braces:

		loop index = "i" from = "1" to = "10" step = "1"
			echo(#i# & "<br>");

More CFLoop Examples:

Accessing Databases

To interact with databases, first define a ColdFusion datasource (DSN) in your control panel or in your Application.cfc (Railo 4.1+ and CF 11+). Once you have a working datasource, you can use the CFQuery tag to run SQL queries against your database server:

	<cfquery name = "customers" datasource = "MyDSN">
		SELECT firstname, lastname, phone
		FROM contacts
		WHERE customer IS TRUE;

In CFScript:

	customers = new Query(datasource = "MyDSN", sql = "SELECT firstname, lastname, phone FROM contacts WHERE customer IS TRUE;").execute().getResult();

CFQuery References:

Further Reading