FTP Accounts

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FTP Accounts

This WCP feature allows for the creation and modification of FTP accounts for the domain specified. To access the FTP accounts feature, navigate to the WCP URL and then locate the FTP Accounts feature using the following path:

WCP (login and select domain) >> Files >> FTP Accounts

To Add or Edit FTP Accounts

  1. Click on the FTP Accounts button in WCP.
    1. To Edit a FTP Account, click on the "Pencil Icon" next to the FTP Username that is needing to be to modified.
      1. Make edits by typing into the fields under the General Tab or by selecting the appropriate checkboxes under the Advanced tab within the Edit FTP User dialog box.
      2. Click Save
    2. To Add a FTP Account click on the Add FTP User button.
      1. Type in a proper Username, Password, and a file path for the new FTP account in the Folder field.
      2. The Folder field can be left blank to give the FTP Account access to the root of the website.
        • To restrict access to a specific directory for individual FTP User, please specify the direct file path in the Folder field.
      3. Click Save

Edit FTP User (Detailed Information)

Clicking the "Pencil Icon" will bring up the "Edit FTP User" dialog box. Both the General information and the Advanced Settings can be edited for that individual FTP User and the FTP access logs for that User can be viewed here.

General Information

  • The general information displays a created FTP user's details, including: Username, Password, and Folder/File path.
    • Username: This is the username that is setup during the FTP Account creation. This cannot be edited. If a username needs to be changed a new FTP account will need to be created.
    • Password: This is the password setup during the FTP account creation. This information can be edited by typing a new password into the field and then clicking the Save button.
    • Folder: This is the file path that the FTP account has access to. If the field contains only a "/" symbol, this means that the user has root access to the file structure. The file path can be edited to a direct sub directory by either: manually typing the file path or using the "Browse" button to select the destination directory for the FTP user.

Advanced Settings

  • Within the Advanced Settings can Enable/Disable the User, Limit the user to Read Permissions, or Limit the user to Write permissions.
    • Enable/Disable User: This allows the individual FTP user to, effectively, be off or on by clicking the checkbox.
    • Granting Read Permissions: This allows the individual FTP user permission to view the file content in each file.
    • Granting Write Permissions: This allows the individual FTP user the permission to edit the file content in each file.


  • The log tab in the Edit FTP User dialog box allows the access logs for an individual FTP user account to be viewed. Using the Days dropdown menu the log information can be specified to range of days, up to 14 days prior to the current date.