Add New Site to Lucee (formerly Railo) VPS

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If your VPS has the WCP or cPanel installed, the server automatically configures a new site in Railo when the domain is added through the control panel. However, if your server doesn't have a control panel and you need to add a site to your server manually, follow the appropriate instructions below.

Windows VPS - IIS / Tomcat

  1. Add the site in IIS.
  2. Add a new virtual directory named "jakarta" to your new site, and have it use "C:\railo\connector" as the physical path.
  3. Add the site as a "Host" in Railo's server.xml file, located at c:\railo\tomcat\conf\server.xml. (Be sure to make a backup of the file first.)
    When you open the file in notepad, press ctrl+f and search for "<Host name=" (no quotes). Then add the host entry for the new site to this section. For example, your new host entry would look similar to this:
    <Host name=""  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> <Alias></Alias> <Context path="" docBase="c:\home\\wwwroot\"/> </Host>
    You'd just need to be sure to replace the host name and the path in the context docbase with the correct info.
    • If you need to add an alias to the domain, you would add it within the "Host" entry in an "Alias" tag like below"
  4. Once this has been done, restart the Apache Tomcat Railo service and your site will begin processing CFML files through Railo.

Linux VPS - Apache (httpd) / Tomcat

  1. Add the site to Apache. If your server has cPanel but is not integrated with Railo, you can still add the site to Apache via cPanel.
  2. Open your server's Tomcat server.xml file (using vi, pico, etc). This currently defaults to /opt/railo/tomcat/conf/server.xml.
  3. Add a new host entry for the site similar to this:
    <Host name=""  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> <Alias></Alias> <Context path="" docBase="/home/newuser/public_html"/> </Host>
    Be sure to use the correct domain name/path in the example above.
  4. After saving the file, restart Railo using the command below, and your new domain will start processing CFML:
    service railo_ctl restart

Accessing the Railo Web Admin for my new site

The URL for any new site (context) you add to Railo, will be: (replace with the actual domain name)

What is the location for my Railo Server Administrator

On the desktop of your VPS, you can access the Railo Server Administrator at this location: http://localhost/railo-context/admin/server.cfm

If you are running Railo on Linux or just wish to access the Server Administrator remotely, replace "localhost" with the IP of your server or a domain name running on your server.