ASP Errors
Assembly does not allow partially trusted callers
Problem: You receive the following error when your application attempts to use method, class, etc. from a DLL assembly in your /bin folder -
"SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers
Cause: We run .Net 2.0/3.5 with a modified medium trust policy for security. This requires that assemblies must specify that they allow partially trusted callers to be called from your code."
Solution -
You must add an assembly directive to your application so that it allows partially trusted callers.
If you are using C#.Net, the following line must be added to your assembly(generally in the AssemblyInfo.cs file) -
If you are using VB.Net, the following line must be added to your assembly(generally in the AssemblyInfo.vb file) -
Assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers() Surrounded by "<>" without quotes.
Once the directive has been added, you will need to recompile the DLL and upload it to your /bin folder.