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(Disk Usage Warning)
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Example Usage:
powershell -File CheckDiskUsage.ps1
==GZip All Files in Directory==
==GZip All Files in Directory==

Revision as of 15:26, 31 May 2013

This is a repository of PowerShell Scripts for server management tasks.

Disk Usage Warning

This script allows you to send an e-mail if disk free-space is below a particular percentage.

 $Computers = 'server1' # multiple servers should be formmated: 'server1', 'server2', 'server3'.  The user executing this script must have administrative access to all servers.
 $WarnPercentage = 15
 $SmtpHost = 'mail.domainname.com'
 $SmtpPort = 25
 $FromAddress = 'disk-monitor@domainname.com'
 $Recipients = 'admin@domainname.com' # multiple recipients should be separated with commas: 'user1@domainname.com,user2@domainname.com,user3@domainname.com'
 $Overages = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" -ComputerName $Computers| `
     Where { (100 * ($_.FreeSpace / $_.Size)) -le $WarnPercentage }| `
     Select SystemName, DeviceID, @{ Name="FreeSpace(GB)"; Expression={"{0:N}" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1GB) }}
 $OverageCount = @($Overages).Length
 if ($OverageCount -gt 0) {
     $Subject = "$OverageCount drives are below $WarnPercentage% free space"
     $Body = "Warning, the following drives are below $WarnPercentage% free space:`r`n`r`n$($Overages|Out-String -Width 80)"
     $SmtpClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpHost, $SmtpPort)
     $SmtpClient.Send($FromAddress, $Recipients, $Subject, $Body)

Example Usage:

powershell -File CheckDiskUsage.ps1

GZip All Files in Directory

This script will gzip compress all files within a folder. The original file will be replaced with a .gz file starting with the same name. This can be useful for compressing SQL backups or Log files on a schedule.

     [string]$Directory = $(throw 'Parameter ''Directory'' is required.')
 if ($(Test-Path $Directory) -eq $false) {
     throw "Directory does not exist: $Directory"
 foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory|Where-Object {$_.Name -match '^(?!.*\.gz$)'})) {
     $fsFile = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($file.FullName, [IO.FileMode]::Open, [IO.FileAccess]::Read, [IO.FileShare]::Read);
     $fsGZip = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ("$($file.FullName).gz", [IO.FileMode]::CreateNew, [IO.FileAccess]::Write, [IO.FileShare]::None)
     $gzSream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream ($fsGZip, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
     $gzipped = $false
     try {
         $BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 256
         $buffer = New-Object byte[]($BUFFER_SIZE);
         $bytesRead = -1
         while ($bytesRead -ne 0) {
             $bytesRead = $fsFile.Read($buffer, 0, $BUFFER_SIZE)
             $gzSream.Write($buffer, 0, $bytesRead)
         $gzipped = $true
     finally {
     if ($gzipped) {
         Remove-Item $file.FullName

Example Usage:

powershell -File GZipDirContents.ps1 C:\FULL\PATH\TO\DIRECTORY